Saturday, February 7, 2009

third geog lesson(:

At our third geography lesson, we learnt more about how systems in the Earth work together. Systems are made up of regulatory forces which will cause ngeative and positive feedbacks.

So what is negative feedback? (If you have forgotten about what we learnt in Biology last year, better cram this in your head now!) Negative feedback NEGATES change. So for example, if it gets too hot, you willl sweat and then you will cool down.

For positive feedback, it is just the opposite. It ENCOURAGES change. For example, if there's lots if water vapor in the air, more evaporation will take place, causing more water vapor. So if it is a bad condition, it will get worse in positve feedback.

For the second part of our lesson, we learnt about the CARBON CYCLE!

I've uploaded a draft copy of what Ms Lim had taught us. Next thing we have to do is to think about "how severe is man's impact on the carbon cycle". During the years, humans burnt too much fossil fuels, leading to an increase in CO2. We also deforestated too much of Earth in our way to urbanisation, and this also cause an increase in CO2.
Hope that everyone will have an idea of what they have to do for the essay. By the way, the deadline is extended to 16th feb (mon). Have fun people!:D

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